This post is part of my series, Courting the Muse. Subscribers to my email list receive a weekly prompt focusing on one aspect of...
You can take the girl out of the studio but…
Once upon a time I had a studio, a magical place filled with light from four skylights and three walls of windows. The fourth wall was the...
November has a bad rep. Cold. Dark way too early. Leaves that stunned in October with colors so brilliant you took hundreds of photos that...
Camp Porterosa 2021
They came. They ate. They conquered my heart. And then they ate some more. I haven't done much arting this summer. But I have a good...
Family Affair
The yummy gorgeous art you see up above was painted by my sister Marjorie Ellen. My big sister, older by just enough years to be a huge...
Bearing Witness
A short story of life, death and love everlasting in the meadow. Warning: Despite the illustration...
Like a Child
“It took me four years to paint like Raphael but a lifetime to paint like a child.” Pablo Picasso Note: This post first appeared 10 years...
Ponies in the Morning
From the Arty Life Classics Collection. This post first appeared in my former blog in 2013 We've been together a long time, two horses, a...