


November has a bad rep. Cold. Dark way too early. Leaves that stunned in October with colors so brilliant you took hundreds of photos that...

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Susan Lobb Porter

Hey, welcome to my blog. I'm an artist, writer and sometimes a wise-ass observer of life. Thoughts are my own because really--who else would claim them?



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Courting the Muse: A Touch of Color

Courting the Muse: A Touch of Color

Of course I could paint. Should paint. But I don’t wanna. Not feelin’ the muse today. So I do what I always do when I want to avoid doing other things, AHEM, I mean clear my head–I take Maggie for a walk.

Courting the Muse: Twilight

Courting the Muse: Twilight

Sometimes the muse gives me eyestrain. Like when she points out the subtle colors of twilight, soft and surreal…

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